Stanica Záriečie where we build up standard 6 slider Tagtool device. Main topic for the workshop was achieve system for combination live Tagtool drawing and animation with other video footage or generative graphic. We used VVVV for building small video player and basic image processing mix. All system can run on one computer and give to illustrator and animator new possibility to play with screening images. This is just basic concept proof patch, id like to build up patch v.2 for normal use. foto: Natalia Zajačiková">
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Tagtool Workshop, 2013

I have lead small workshop at Stanica Záriečie where we build up standard 6 slider Tagtool device.
Main topic for the workshop was achieve system for combination live Tagtool drawing and animation with other video footage or generative graphic.
We used VVVV for building small video player and basic image processing mix. All system can run on one computer and give to illustrator and animator new possibility to play with screening images.
This is just basic concept proof patch, id like to build up patch v.2 for normal use.

foto: Natalia Zajačiková

2013, in Hardware